
There are two forms of custody: physical and legal. When a parent has physical custody, the child primarily lives with that parent. The other parent will most likely have visitation rights, but it’s limited.

Legal custody allows the parents to decide about their children’s lives, like their education, religious upbringing, and healthcare. In addition, parents can have joint legal custody, which makes things a lot easier for both parties.

Non-Custodial Parent

When a parent is declared non-custodial, they do not have primary custody of their children. But as stated before, a non-custodial parent can have joint legal custody. In addition, the court will consider the child’s relationship with their parents, including the parent’s health and the children’s interests.


As a non-custodial parent, you have legal custody and visitation rights. We’ve highlighted how joint custody works, so we’ll discuss visitation rights instead.

A non-custodial parent can physically see their children and talk to them over the phone, make video calls, and text. Ideally, a non-custodial parent has a visitation schedule where the children spend one to two weekends a month with them. If you do not have a visitation schedule, you should speak with your co-parent about building one.

Need Help With Your Rights as a Parent?

The Albin Oldner Law, PLLC team has a history of advocating for concerned parents in North Texas. Contact our legal firm today if you suspect you’re getting the short end of your custody deal.

You can call us at (214) 423-5100 or visit our website to request a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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