We know you’re so excited to spend more time with your family this summer. But before you can do so, you should build a summer break possession schedule, so things run smoothly for the next few months. The Albin Oldner Law, PLLC team is here to teach you about the importance of building a possession schedule and some tips on how to create one.


It’s essential to have a detailed summer break schedule to limit your risk of any conflict or issues down the line. Your schedule will include a brief parenting plan that highlights financial obligations, specific times for exchanges, and the best point of contact for both parents. Additionally, it can detail any of the children’s unique circumstances like health issues or things the child should not partake in, like certain sports or activities.


Here are some tips and some things to keep in mind before planning your summer break schedule:

  • Make vacation plans early – Be sure to check in with your co-parent about any potential travel plans before planning your schedule. Do not book anything before consulting with your child’s parent about it.
  • Figure out your personal schedule – From doctor’s appointments to a personal day, you want to include these dates in your schedule before sending it to your co-parent. Make sure to ask your co-parent for their personal schedule to make sure there are no additional conflicts.
  • Weigh out daycare options – Depending on the age of your child, you may want to consider making summer care an option, so they’re supervised and have something to keep them entertained.
  • Get your kid’s input – Do not forget about the most important opinion of them all—your child’s! Find out how they’d like to spend their summer and any preferences on their living situation if possible. You don’t want to leave the most important person out of the conversation.

Let Us Help You

The Albin Oldner Law, PLLC team is here to assist you with all of your custody needs and questions. If you’re in need of legal assistance this summer, please contact our firm at (214) 423-5100 or visit our website here to get started on a consultation request form

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